America's Foremost Transgender Woman

TS Dating Gude

Transgender Girl & Genetic Female Sexual Fun

There's a little bit of lesbian in all of us…

A lot of newer girls seem to have a hard time finding women who desire sex with them "while they are dressed". I didn't have that problem - and I'll share my secret to success. 
First, you must have confidence in yourself as a woman. If you are tepid and shy about your femininity - few ladies will ever find you appealing - regardless of gender. Nothing is more alluring than a confident woman. Of course, achieving this level of poise is a mostly function of being happy with yourself. However - when it comes to sex - we all tend to be a little hard on our self image.
Try this: Before you go out, focus your mind on one attribute about your look or style that you know is excellent. It could be your nails, your new outfit, your hairdo, your smile, or your those great legs. Keep repeating how good this attribute is before you walk out the door - and repeat it any time you start to feel nervous. Nothing succeeds - like success. If you can trick your mind into always believing "you are great" - your actions and assuredness will follow suit. *Smile*  
Second - and more importantly - FORGET ABOUT THE SEX! One thing newer girls can't seem to relinquish is those wild inner desires and pent up sexual fantasies. When you couple this desire with frustration over not having been able to find a tg-loving partner - you've got the wrong seeds - for growing what you need.

The key to finding a satisfying female sexual partner is to not look for it. I don't mean this in the typical male sense of maintaining a hidden agenda. Rather, genuinely learn to make new female friends with no sexual leanings on your platter. Women recognize the much deeper emotions required for great sex. Learn to build off their proven model. Get to know and care for any potential lover. Focus on first becoming friends. This is a really new concept to most males. Try to rely on that newfound female intuition buried in your transgendered soul - you'll learn a lot from her.
In today's world, lots of women have been exposed to t-girls and many find us sexy. Most will usually assume you are gay at the onset. I rarely dispel this myth - until I'm certain the person I'm talking to is of interest to me sexually. 

Renee's thoughts for single women attracted to transgenders

Many women who are new to t-girls posses a variety of misconceptions. First, they often assume he is gay - or will most certainly become that way. In reality, fewer than 20% of all transgendered males consider themselves bisexual - let alone homosexual. One's sexual orientation does not shift easily - if ever. Second, some women think that any man that dresses - hopes to eventually become a woman - through sexual reassignment surgery. In reality, only a small percentage of men that dress - are certified transsexuals - requiring altered gender identity. Most of us just have an alternative gender self - and seek a means to express it. 
If you're a single woman with an interest in finding a transgendered male for sexual gratification - you're in luck. There are perhaps more available hetero tg's than any other category. Your challenge is determining which ones are sexually orientated which way. This is a fair question to ask from the onset of a conversation - and will not result in any anger - if your prospect is not sexually attracted to genetic females.

Women who tend to be happiest sexually with a transgendered male, usually come from one of two schools - or both. The first is a woman who maintains a strong sense of individuality - and appreciates this characteristic in the men she dates. She recognizes that she is unique - and likes those facets of her personality which set her apart from the herd. This female is truly one that has - and appreciates in others - a powerful sense of self - and independence. It is unlikely this type of woman will
ever find a better match than a transgendered male. Why? Because so few men - with their monumental male egos - have ever gone through such a personal odyssey for the discovery of self - than a transgendered male.

The second type of woman who does well with a t-girl is one who harbors a sense of bisexuality - regardless if they've ever acted upon these desires. Such women get such a complete 2 for 1 bargain package with a girl like us. Nothing like a sale, to keep a smile on any face. *Smile* 
If you have both a need for a man with a strong sense of self - and you sort of like the idea of having sex with other women - welcome to heaven!!

Sex with your Trans-girl

All in all, I think t-girls make some of the best lovers for real women on the planet. The challenge tends to be in allowing them to sort out what is fantasy - versus reality. Many t-girls have a lot of years of pent up sexual desires - which are simply dying to reach the surface. This happens because most t-girls have not been able to explore their feminine side sexually - with genetic females. Most of these ideas - however - are not what they really want - or need.

Your t-girl lover is typically attracted to you on a lesbian basis while en femme. Translation: she views herself as a woman - and prefers the thought of that way as well. During intimacy, your tg lover will appreciate your attractions and comments to her as a woman. She will likely be every bit the man when it comes to sex, but her persona usually tends to be very female. Keep this in mind - and you'll have a much happier girl on your hands. If your gal is in her teen years - this will be a tad bit more frustrating early on - but it will improve.
Also - on occasion - your gal might need to be the woman in the deal. This doesn't necessarily mean she wants you to strap on a dildo and ride her till she can't walk (although it's a good lesson to teach) - but can sometimes mean she wants to you to be the aggressor - and for you to take a lot of the traditional male roles in sex. This includes reminding her she looks pretty - and even indulging some of her fantasies, including - how all the other girls and boys might desire her or how she needs to be taken hard, etc. You know: sexy chat - but in a mirror - where everything is backwards. One idea I've seen used successfully in the fantasy department is to come up with your own little pet name for this procedure. This eliminates confusion over "who is getting what" on tonight's sexual menu .

You will usually find you've inherited a better lover. Most tg's become more sensitive during sex as their fem persona evolves. "Wham, bam, thank 'ya mam" - goes totally against their grain.

Finally, one lit
IMG_4688tle complaint some genetic women have with a smooth bodied t-girl - is that she just isn't smooth enough. As nature begins to take its course in hair growth - things can get a little sticky. A good set of pantyhose can really help out in this department - be creative! *Smile*

A t-girl who finds a sexually compatible female lover - is often one of the most satisfied people on the planet. And this high degree of satisfaction - usually ends up yielding a lover that will leave you gasping for air - when "she's" done with you. ::))

Advice for the t-girl when it comes to sex

Most heterosexual t-girls would simply die to have a genetic female in their lives who was accepting of their need to dress. The thought of finding one who would encourage such activity - probably seems mind boggling to many of you. In reality, it's not as hard to find as you think. We live in a world where alternative sexual expression is becoming a norm - versus an anomaly. And this norm - is not limited to men. 
Of the growing number of satisfied couples I've witnessed, I've seen one common problem crop up. Namely, the t-girl gets a little too wrapped up in being her - and sometimes forgets that their lady still needs him.  Unless you are with a lesbian - who would just assume see him leave forever - your lady will still need the presence of the man she fell for. I know you understand this need - because you likely have it sometimes as a woman. Don't forget to tell your female lover how gorgeous she is - and treat her like the awesome lady she is - each and every day of her life. Best of luck, sweetheart!